Hacker's Security.....No One Can Beat U Now,
(1)always scan your file at http://scanner.novirusthanks.org/ Do not distribute the sample or http://www.virustotal.com/
(2) sandbox everything and use Anti-Malware
(3) make a vmw = vmware workstation
(4)use a keyscrambler in your vmware
(5)use firefox always delete Cookie and history after closing never save password
(6)if u are going to hack use a vpn- virtual privet network
(7) if your buying some software form a user make sure u research him
read his threads ask a friend. read the scam page.send the money as a gift on paypal.
(8)if something looks to good 2 be free well its not its most likely backed door
(9) never download form a telnet Nono= ppl with 10 post
(10) add a firewall in your vmware workstation and anti virus guard
(11) add a firewall anti virus guard on your pc outside your vmware workstation use a scrambler and a sandbox everything
(12) buy a 5tb External Hard Drive and back up everything ((scan file)) b4 adding
(13) one of the important factors in keeping tools undetected from anti viruses
(2) sandbox everything and use Anti-Malware
(3) make a vmw = vmware workstation
(4)use a keyscrambler in your vmware
(5)use firefox always delete Cookie and history after closing never save password
(6)if u are going to hack use a vpn- virtual privet network
(7) if your buying some software form a user make sure u research him
read his threads ask a friend. read the scam page.send the money as a gift on paypal.
(8)if something looks to good 2 be free well its not its most likely backed door
(9) never download form a telnet Nono= ppl with 10 post
(10) add a firewall in your vmware workstation and anti virus guard
(11) add a firewall anti virus guard on your pc outside your vmware workstation use a scrambler and a sandbox everything
(12) buy a 5tb External Hard Drive and back up everything ((scan file)) b4 adding
(13) one of the important factors in keeping tools undetected from anti viruses