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29 July 2011

Overclocking - Cooling a Particular Component

In order to gather information about your computer's temperature and other heating issues which may be caused by overclocking, we need to download this simple but immensely useful utility Everest.


(a) Run Everest

(b) Click on the "sensor" option in main menu.

(c) Here you will get to know your temperatures.

(d) Note: GPU temperatures are considered NORMAL in the range from 30-60 degrees at Idle and around 70-85 degrees while using heavy graphics applications.

Good Old Methods

(a) Remove the casing or the sides of your PC by just loosening a few easy bolts.This reduces the temperatures by an approximate 15 Degrees.Keep your PC Clean And WELL VENTILATED.

(b) Better air flow by re arranging the wires and renovating the jumbled ones.

(c) Try to avoid keeping your pc in cornering areas.

(d) Make sure that the PC is ATLEAST 3 feet away from any type of a wall.

(e) Clean your PC gently and regularly with a brush.

Okay, so now let us talk about software which can be used to cool down your CPU components. There are two good applications which can do it for you. They are:


I prefer SpeedFan because it uses lesser resources and doesn't make your system very noisy. Just download it from and run it. It is very user friendly and you can easily manipulate and control the fan speed according to the temperature of your components. :)

28 July 2011

View Forum Content Without Registering

Visit any forum or website to find something useful/premium and they will ask you to register.
There are 3 methods to get into any website/forum without registering:

1) Use cached version of Google
2) Switch User Agent to Google Bot
3) Use pre-registered accounts

1) Use Google Cache

Search in google and click on the “Cached” link just below the link in the search results.
cached link View Forum Post Content Without Registering

2) View Forum Post Content without Registering – For FireFox

All websites and forums will block unregistered users, but they won’t block Google Bot. What we will do is to switch our User Agent to that of Google Bot and freely browse any website or forum without registering.
  • Install The User Agent Switcher extension–Click Here
  • This Addon adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of the browser.
  • Go to Tools-> Default User Agent-> Search Robots-> GoogleBot
What it actually does is that its set the User Agent of your Brower to a Google Bot’s. Which is allowed entry without registration.

3) View Forum Post Content without Registering – For Non-FireFox/Firefox Users

Alternatively you can also check out BugMeNot, it is a free online service where people share login information of thousands of websites and forums. Enjoy!


23 July 2011

Glary Utilites Pro 2.7.268

Glary Utilities PRO
It allows you to clean common system junk files, as well as invalid registry entries and Internet traces. You can manage and delete browser add-ons, analyze disk space usage and find duplicate files. You can also view and manage installed shell extensions, encrypt your files from unauthorized access and use, split large files into smaller manageable files and then rejoin them. Furthermore, Glary Utilities includes the options to optimize memory, find, fix, or remove broken Windows shortcuts, manage the programs that start at Windows startup and uninstall software. Other features include secure file deletion, an Empty Folder finder and more.

Some of The Main Features are:

Automatic care in background
Optimize, clean and boost the speed of your Windows.
Protect your privacy and security.
Block spyware, trojans, adware, etc.
Fix certain application errors.
Simple, fast and User friendly interface
Much much more powerful utilities    

 Download: Glary Utilities Pro 2.7


20 July 2011

How To Hide Facebook Friend List

Facebook is one of the great social networking site in which you can share your stories with your friends, photos, videos, and your whereabouts. Whereas there are some Facebook users who will share information freely with everyone in their network, there are some other people who would like to keep some details to
themselves, including their list of friends. By default , the “friends list” box is visible on your profile. With the help of Facebook’s enhanced privacy settings you can customize it’s visibility according to your needs
In order to hide your friend’s list just follow these steps:

1. First of all sign in to your Facebook account.
2. On the top-right of your page, click the “Account” Tab. Select the third option, “Privacy Settings”.
3. Click “View Settings” which is under the “Connecting on Facebook” label. Here you will find different settings in which you can configure how your friends can find and connect with you.
4. Scroll down and look for the option “See your friend list”.On the drop-down list on the right . Click “Custom”. Then the “Custom Privacy” box is displayed.
5. Click the drop-down list next to “These people” label. Select the last option, “Only Me”. This setting will hide your list of friends from everyone.
6. Click “Save Setting” for changes to take effect.

13 July 2011

Newbie Money Making Method 50$ a Day

Hi Friends,

There are Lot of people on web trying very hard to make some bucks online.Unfortunately,only some succeed.

I was Playing with a Paypal Exploit when i found this.This PDF is small and simple.Works for Every Country!

I tried the Method.
Hola! it works,i just made 25$ using This method.

Sharing it for other ppl on web.

More Tactics:

-Sign up as Pro it will make more money.
-There are number of sites.Use your mind.Google for more community sites.

Happy Earnings!

Share This If you Like my Post.


06 July 2011

Clipboard Hacking 101

This is one of the most popular things we do on the internet with our keyboard. "Ctrl+C". We copy data (i.e. email address, passwords, ssn, credit cards etc.) here and there and paste to wherever we want to reuse it. But do you realize that the data you copied are stored in what is called a clipboard temporarily and is accessible to anyone and can be stolen when you visit web sites using a combination of Javascripts and ASP (or PHP, or CGI) to write your data to a dabase on another server.

You might be wondering, how on earth is that possible. Its true and possible and we're going to explain how and how to prevent it from now happening. Just read on and i just hope you haven't copied a credit card number recently.

The Clipboard hack is done by the following Source Code:

Yes, with this simple script any website has the potential of stealing your sensitive information to their database.

Now the good news is this vulnerability can only be found on Internet Explorer and to avoid this clipboard hack problem IE users follow this simple steps.

Go to Internet Options -> Security
Press Custom Level
In the security settings, select disable under Allow paste operation via script.


03 July 2011

Crack Memory Card Password [FAST]

We usually set password for our memory card for privacy and security, but the common mistake every one does at least once in out life time forgetting password. If you set password for mobile memory card, then you should be not forget the password. If you does then the only option is to formate your memory card with the help of the card reader and eventually the loss of all your data stored on it. There is a way to break the security wall. If you are a Symbian device lover then no need to worry about the password. You can crack them in few minutes.

In this tutorial I am going to teach you how to reset your memory card password in easy step. Before we start you need to have X-plore (application used to explore your system files and folder even the hidden folders in your device)

Step1: Install X-Plore in your mobile. If you want to download X-Plore search around internet you can download free trail.

: Open your X-plore apps and Press 0(Zero) and check which you have marked the "show the system files"

: Once you done that now go to the following path C:/Sys/Data/Mmcstore

: Once you reached there you need to press "3" under option to set it in the Hex-viewer

Step5: See the third column you will able to see a line of code ! TMSD02G (c??"?x???6?2?6?2?6). Just check the character between the "?" it is your password ie: 62626

Note: If you have not set the password, then you will not able to gain access to C:/Sys/Data

02 July 2011

IDM(Internet Download Manager) 6.06 Cracked Full Version

This Version of IDM Requires no Key,No Serial Number or any other Crack.Just Follow the Instructions in The Zip.

Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 500 percent, resume and schedule downloads.
Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.
Internet Download Manager has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads.
During the download process Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically, unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before the download starts Internet Download Manager reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance.
Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, directories with authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing, and a large number of directory listing formats.
IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads.
You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it's done.

Other features

include multilingual support, zip preview, download categories, built-in download accelerator, scheduler pro, sounds on events, HTTPS support, queue processor, pipelining of ftp commands, html help and tutorial, enhanced virus protection on download completion, progressive downloading with quotas (useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy or FAP like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.), command line parameters, and many others.

Download Link: IDM Cracked 6.06


01 July 2011

Get Free Traffic To Your Site - Automated Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking is a powerful tool in promoting a website with the added benefit of being a very Google friendly way of gaining back links.
As a social bookmark is done through a registered and validated account, Google treats these in a less spammy manner.
Going through all of those social bookmarking sites is a very time-consuming process and downloading all toolbars is crazy – there are so many!

The Only Problem is the Precious time required for Social Bookmarking Your Links Manually.But,wait The solution is Here.

Presenting Social Monkee.Just Sign-up at The Link and Enjoy Free Bookmarking.

Good Luck!

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