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27 June 2010

Orkut Scraps -Funny Hello 3

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Orkut Scraps -Hello 10

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Orkut Scraps -Hello 9

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
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Orkut Scraps -Hello 8

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
<a href="">Get more Unique Scraps..</a>


26 June 2010

Orkut Scraps -Hello 7

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
<a href="">Get more Unique Scraps..</a>


Orkut Scraps -Hello 6

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
<a href="">Get more Unique Scraps..</a>


Orkut Scraps -Hello 5

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
<a href="">Get more Unique Scraps..</a>


Orkut Scraps -Hello 4

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
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Orkut Scraps -Hello 3

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
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25 June 2010

Orkut Scraps -Hello 2

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
<a href="">Get more Unique Scraps..</a>


Orkut Scraps -Hello

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
<a href="">Get more Unique Scraps..</a>


Orkut Scraps -Funny Man

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
<a href="">Get more Unique Scraps..</a>


Orkut Scrap-Hello 1

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
<a href="">Get more Unique Scraps..</a>


24 June 2010

Orkut Scraps-Funny Hello 2

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
<a href="">Get more Unique Scraps..</a>


23 June 2010

Orkut Scraps-funny Hello 1

<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></center>
<a href="">Get more Unique Scraps..</a>


22 June 2010

SMS Flooder Anonymous

Register victims number Here 
only the victims number matters
Then Go to:


21 June 2010

Manage multiple Gmail Accounts in Firefox

Do you love Gmail, Don't know about you guys about but i am a big fan of Google Products. When i am online i need more than one email account for my ease and its really helpful because i don't have to worry about my accounts Security .
I know what you guys would say, “its pretty hard to remember my Accounts Username and passwords”
But again if i use multiple accounts and i remember each and everything.
But that's not with you guys and that's why i have written this blog article.
Now i introduce you to my Tool which helps me a lot to run various Email Accounts together. 

Well there are many tools on the internet
Lets Start :-

Gmail Manager

The original Gmail Notifier for multiple accounts.
Allows you to receive new mail notifications along with viewing account details including unread messages, saved drafts, spam messages, labels with new mail, space used, and new mail snippets.


19 June 2010

Best of Best Mobile browsers

    *  46% Opera Mini 4.2
    *  16% Opera Mini 5.0
    *  9% Opera Mini 4.1
    *  5% NetFront 3.3
    *  5% Nokia S40 3.2
    *  4% Maui Browser
    *  4% Nokia S60 3.1
    *  4% Nokia S40 2.0
    *  3% Nokia S40 5.1
    *  3% Opera Mini 3.1

Opera Mobile 10.0

  • Key Features: Multiple tabs, Intuitive interface, speed dial, Zoom-in
  • Operating System: Windows Mobile, Symbian
  • Price: $24 and Try the beta for free in opera 10.0. download

Opera Mini 5.0

  • Key Features: Compressed downloads for fast browsing, password manager, tabbed browsing and Zoom-in
  • Operating System: Java
  • Price: Free opera mini 5.0 download

Safari 4.0

  • Key Features: Display websites like YouTube, zoom feature, touch-based user interface, sync book marks.
  • Operating System: iPhone
  • Price: Free with iphone  download


  • Key Features: Display rich websites with Flash or widgets like YouTube, Zoom feature,
  • Operating System: Windows Mobile, Symbian Nokia N and E Series
  • Price: Free download

Google Android

  • Key Features: Display rich websites, zoom feature, touch screen interface
  • Operating System: Google Android
  • Price: Free with Android download

Mozilla’s Minimo

  • Key Features: Multiple tabs, Social bookmarking
  • Operating System: Windows Mobile
  • Price: Free (open source) download

Bitstream’s Thunderhawk

  • Key Features: Compressed downloads for fast browsing, Zoom-in display
  • Operating System: Symbian S60, Windows Mobile, Java
  • Price: $49.95/year or $5.95/month download

Microsoft IE for Mobile

  • Key Features: Standard browser features
  • Operating System: Windows Mobile
  • Price: Free with Windows Mobile download


  • Key Features: Standard browser features
  • Operating System: Palm OS
  • Price: Free with Palm OS download

Symbian S60 Web Browser

  • Key Features: Standard browser features
  • Operating System: Symbian S60
  • Price: Free with symbian S60 download

16 June 2010

How To Block Websties Without Software


1] Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
2] Find the file named "HOSTS"
3] Open it in notepad
4] Under " localhost" Add , and that site will no longer be accessable.
5] Done!

-So- localhost

--> is now unaccessable<--

For every site after that you want to add, just add "1" to the last number in the internal ip ( and then the addy like before.

IE: www.blablabla.com127.0.0.4 www.blablabla.com127.0.0.5 

15 June 2010

CEH: Module 1 Introduction To Hacking Download

CEH Bootcamp
View my Previous Posts For Introduction To Ethical Hacking Part 1 and Part 2
Download This PDF for more info.
Here goes The link:


11 June 2010

Faster Boot Win XP

This simple trick would make u feel more handy on your System, as this one would make your win XP load much faster..

So,Here we go:
First of all you must clear your prefetch directory time to time to get more speed..
1-Go to Run Type: prefetch hit enter
2-Delete all The Files

Now,We can Reduce our boot time by cutting drive detection.
1-Right Click My Computer
2-Go to Manage>Device manager>IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers>Primary IDE channel
3- Right Click and select properties>Advanced Settings
4-Now,on the device or 1 that doesn't have 'device type' greyed out select 'none' instead of 'autodetect' & click "OK".
5- Right click on "Secondary IDE channel", select "Properties" and repeat the above procedure.
6- Reboot your computer.

Creating Hidden User Account in Windows XP

Steps :-

1. Open Start menu then click on RUN.
2. Type in the Run Window Regedit 
3. Windows Registry editor will open then navigate from the left panel :

4. Create a new DWORD, setting its name to the name of the account you wish to hide.
5. Then set its value to to hide it.
6. Enjoy its Hidden !!
NOTE : This account isn't completely hidden because it is visible to administrators inLocal User and Groups and also the profile is visible in the Documents and Settings.
Now How To Login In it after you have hidden the account :

1. At Welcome screen, and you want to login to this account.
2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete twice and it will display the log-on promt.
3. Type the username, and the password and hit enter.


07 June 2010

Mobile Downloadz

Hello all users,
Today i am Going to Share a Great site for mobile Downloadz
The link goes HERE
Step 1: visit you will see a page like this:

Step 2:Put Your Query on Box at top and click Search!

e.g: mobile wallpapers,games etc. and you will get your content Free of Cost and that with much faster rate..


06 June 2010

Introduction To Hacking: The Basics Part 2

CEH Bootcamp

In my previous post i have told you about the very basics of hacking,in this post you will learn some essential hacking terms..

• An action or event that might compromise security. A threat is a
potential violation of security

• Existence of a weakness design or implementation error that • Existence of a weakness, design, or implementation error that
can lead to an unexpected and undesirable event compromising
the security of the system

• An assault on the system security that is derived from
an intelligent threat. An attack is any action that
violates security il i

• A defined way to breach the security of an IT system
through vulnerability


Introduction To Hacking: The Basics Part 1

CEH Bootcamp

Recently, hacker has taken on a new meaning — someone who maliciously
breaks into systems for personal gain. Technically, these criminals are
crackers (criminal hackers). Crackers break into (crack) systems with
malicious intent. They are out for personal gain: fame, profit, and even
revenge. They modify, delete, and steal critical information, often making
other people miserable.
The good-guy (white-hat) hackers don’t like being in the same category as the
bad-guy (black-hat) hackers. (These terms come from Western movies where
the good guys wore white cowboy hats and the bad guys wore black cowboy
hats.) Whatever the case, most people give hacker a negative connotation

Why hack?
Some people, known as crackers, get a kick out of harming people, their work, and their websites. But the real hackers get a kick out of programming, improving and helping the web, the difference is enormous. Crackers sometimes hack into websites in order to prove they can - that is sad. Cracking is a term also given to those who try to break software in order to make them free or distribute them, this is the same group of sad people.

What are the different types of hacking?
There are three main types:
  1. Hacking into hidden or password protected pages of a website.
  2. Hacking into other people's computers while they are online.
  3. Hacking into company servers to read important information or distribute viruses.

Ethical Hacking
You need protection from hacker  An ethical hacker possesses
the skills, mindset, and tools of a hacker but is also trustworthy. Ethical hackers
perform the hacks as security tests for their systems. 

Part 2


03 June 2010

BSR Screen Recorder

BSR Screen Recorder captures video, sound and pictures of anything you see on your screen and records to AVI (Standard Video Format), SWF (Flash File), WMV (Windows Media Video) and EXE (Executable File). Any portion of the screen can be selected for recording. You can zoom in and out during recording with 2D and 3D zooming features. Record audio from microphone, speakers ('what you hear'), CD. Record subtitles, draw to screen while recording, cut and save portions from videos, add/mix sounds and narration, join videos, change video speeds, dimensions and compression, create movies from picture files, synchronize audio automatically.



Google Book Downloader

Google Books Downloader

Google books can be viewed online but there is no way to make the contents available offline easily, Google book download is tools to download parts or entire books in pdf format.

it is quite easy to use like a browser, one-click to download any book available in “full view” from Google books.

Key Features
- One-click download
- Manual mode for download copy-protected books.
- Automatic mode for download public domain books and pdf document.
- It is a web browser, easy to use.
- Safely download, prevent to lockout by Google.


02 June 2010

CEH bootcamp Outline

CEH bootcamp is best for Hacking.Here is The outline for CEH bootcamp:

CEH bootcamp Outline:

Unit 1: Introduction to Ethical Hacking

Unit 2: Hacking Laws

Unit 3: Footprinting

Unit 4: Google Hacking

Unit 5: Scanning

Unit 6: Enumeration

Unit 7: System Hacking

Unit 8: Trojans and Backdoors

Unit 9: Viruses and Worms

Unit 10: Sniffers



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