I Found This Bug While Fingering in Facebook..Hope you like it!
You Can Now Suggest Friends To Everyone..(Yes,Even The Person You Don't Know..!)
Note:This Tricks Not Works For Person Who are using short usernames instead of profile id.
Lets Start..
First Go To Facebook.
Find a Victim
You Will Get his/her Profile Link like this:
Now,Just add:
to the End of Link..
Yipeee..You can Now Suggest Some Friends For Him/Her.
Trick in Action:
![[Image: Untitled.png]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_yxRyglZdYpI/TUq4xjQccaI/AAAAAAAAAr0/8tNCa8QydDE/s800/Untitled.png)
Hope You Like it..!!
Enjoy Hacking and Spamming.. Enjoy...
You Can Now Suggest Friends To Everyone..(Yes,Even The Person You Don't Know..!)
Note:This Tricks Not Works For Person Who are using short usernames instead of profile id.
Lets Start..
First Go To Facebook.
Find a Victim
You Will Get his/her Profile Link like this:
Now,Just add:
to the End of Link..
Yipeee..You can Now Suggest Some Friends For Him/Her.
Trick in Action:
![[Image: Untitled.png]](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_yxRyglZdYpI/TUq4xjQccaI/AAAAAAAAAr0/8tNCa8QydDE/s800/Untitled.png)
Hope You Like it..!!
Enjoy Hacking and Spamming.. Enjoy...