Everybody wants to increase traffic towards to their blog. It takes longer to take a very good traffic. Follow some tips and you get a good traffic.
1. Post quality content: If the content of the blog is good then it will attract visitors and visit your blog regularly and then you will get good back links.
2. Reply to the comments and mails: Once you are getting traffic to your blog. Visitors may comment on your blog/website. So reply their comments and mail quickly if needed.
3. Submit your blog to blog directories: Submit your blog to some good blog directories of high PR. It will increase link to your blog. So pay some attention to link building. Here you may find a very good list of blog directories.
4. Install Google Analytics to your blog: Install Google Analytics to your blog and get detailed analysis report of your traffic. There are many things in Google Analytics to help you for getting traffic. You may also find there that what keywords are sending visitors to your blog. To install Google Analytics script to your blog you just need a Google account. If you don't have you can create one.
5. Submit your blog to social bookmarking site: Also submit your blog to social bookmarking site such as digg, delicious and stumbleupon etc.
6. Join bloggerforum.com: Join bloggerforum.com to help others and yourself for the blogging related problems and questions. Mention your website/blog name in posts signature there. It will increase links to your website.
7. Join digitalpoint Forum: You may join digital point forum.
8. Join Bloggeries Forum: Join Bloggeries forum.
9. Put a RSS subscribe feed button to your blog: Add a gadget to subscribe your blog via RSS. You can start this service by feedblitz, feedburner etc.
10. Learn Some SEO tips: Learn SEO techniques (Search Engine Optimization Techniques) to get good traffic.
11. Give your blog an Appropriate Title: Appropiate title of a blog also makes some difference to get traffic.
1. Post quality content: If the content of the blog is good then it will attract visitors and visit your blog regularly and then you will get good back links.
2. Reply to the comments and mails: Once you are getting traffic to your blog. Visitors may comment on your blog/website. So reply their comments and mail quickly if needed.
3. Submit your blog to blog directories: Submit your blog to some good blog directories of high PR. It will increase link to your blog. So pay some attention to link building. Here you may find a very good list of blog directories.
4. Install Google Analytics to your blog: Install Google Analytics to your blog and get detailed analysis report of your traffic. There are many things in Google Analytics to help you for getting traffic. You may also find there that what keywords are sending visitors to your blog. To install Google Analytics script to your blog you just need a Google account. If you don't have you can create one.
5. Submit your blog to social bookmarking site: Also submit your blog to social bookmarking site such as digg, delicious and stumbleupon etc.
6. Join bloggerforum.com: Join bloggerforum.com to help others and yourself for the blogging related problems and questions. Mention your website/blog name in posts signature there. It will increase links to your website.
7. Join digitalpoint Forum: You may join digital point forum.
8. Join Bloggeries Forum: Join Bloggeries forum.
9. Put a RSS subscribe feed button to your blog: Add a gadget to subscribe your blog via RSS. You can start this service by feedblitz, feedburner etc.
10. Learn Some SEO tips: Learn SEO techniques (Search Engine Optimization Techniques) to get good traffic.
11. Give your blog an Appropriate Title: Appropiate title of a blog also makes some difference to get traffic.