1.Dial 567567 on your Airtel Number.
2.When your call got connected immediately press 112215.
3.When you pressed the above number instantly disconnect the call.
4.Again repeat the 1 & 2 procedure.
5After you followed the procedure correctly you will get the message saying "Due to Insufficient Balance your requested service not activated,pls recharge and try again later.Don't worry it means Your Free NOP is ready to use.
NOTE:When you dial 567567 kindly keep balance below 1 rs.If you get the settings you have to buy new sim and try it.
As per the Airtel NOP system you can't download the file which is more than 3 MB.But using the below free nop settings you can download the file which is greater than 3 MB.
Proxy address:
Use UCWEB for bypassing the download limit.If you wish to recharge your account kindly deactivate NOP before recharging.
You can also use this NOP service in PC through changing the proxy address and port in the Advanced Browser Settings.By this method you can access NOP on PC.
Enjoy... Proxy address:
Use UCWEB for bypassing the download limit.If you wish to recharge your account kindly deactivate NOP before recharging.
You can also use this NOP service in PC through changing the proxy address and port in the Advanced Browser Settings.By this method you can access NOP on PC.