Have you ever wanted to get woken up by a wake up call like at a hotel? Don't use those wake up call services where you have to pay $1-3 per call. With this really easy and 100% free "hack" you can set Skype to call you. You can use this to call anyone at any scheduled time...
Difficulty: EasyTime to set up: 5 minutes.
A PC/Laptop
Windows (XP; not sure about others)
Internet ConnectionUS Home or Cell number
Step 1: Download and Install the latest version of download Skype

Step 2: Register and/or Login
Step 3: Open Start> Control Panel> Scheduled Tasks or Start> All Programs> Accessories> System Tools>Scheduled Tasks.
Step 4: Click on Add Scheduled Task
Step 5: The Wizard will open up, just click next.Note: it may take a long time loading the next window because it's making a list of all your programs
Step 6: Choose Skype in the long list (if it's not there, Browse:C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe) and click next.
Step 7: Call it whatever you want, preferably relating to"Skype" or "Wake Up Call", Choose Daily, and click next.
Step 8: Start Time = Time you want the wake up call to call u. Choose everyday, weekday, or certain intervals, (you can fine tune these settings later) and click next.
You might be asked to enter an admin account and password to setup a task - Enter you info and hit
Step 9: Leave that stuff default and click next.
Step 10: Check the "Advanced Properties" box and click Finish.
Step 11: In the Run Box, at the end, add: /callto: phonenumber, ex: "callto:+18001111111". { note - there is no space between the : and phonenumber}
Note: Phone number is "+1"+area code+number. Such as: +1800555555
Step 12: Either click the Schedule tab to fine tune scheduling (MWF only, etc) or click Finish.
Step 13: Keep Skype logged in, and you're done!
To Test: Right click on the newly made task, and click "Run"
If you like to keep Skype up and running you will need to allow pass through calls.
Do this by opening skype --> go to : tools --> options--->advanced.Put a check mark in : Associate Skype with callto: links
Enjoy your free wake up call, keep in mind it will just ring, there will be no one on the other end. :D
Difficulty: EasyTime to set up: 5 minutes.
A PC/Laptop
Windows (XP; not sure about others)
Internet ConnectionUS Home or Cell number
Step 1: Download and Install the latest version of download Skype
Step 2: Register and/or Login
Step 3: Open Start> Control Panel> Scheduled Tasks or Start> All Programs> Accessories> System Tools>Scheduled Tasks.
Step 4: Click on Add Scheduled Task
Step 5: The Wizard will open up, just click next.Note: it may take a long time loading the next window because it's making a list of all your programs
Step 6: Choose Skype in the long list (if it's not there, Browse:C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe) and click next.
Step 7: Call it whatever you want, preferably relating to"Skype" or "Wake Up Call", Choose Daily, and click next.
Step 8: Start Time = Time you want the wake up call to call u. Choose everyday, weekday, or certain intervals, (you can fine tune these settings later) and click next.
You might be asked to enter an admin account and password to setup a task - Enter you info and hit
Step 9: Leave that stuff default and click next.
Step 10: Check the "Advanced Properties" box and click Finish.
Step 11: In the Run Box, at the end, add: /callto: phonenumber, ex: "callto:+18001111111". { note - there is no space between the : and phonenumber}
Note: Phone number is "+1"+area code+number. Such as: +1800555555
Step 12: Either click the Schedule tab to fine tune scheduling (MWF only, etc) or click Finish.
Step 13: Keep Skype logged in, and you're done!
To Test: Right click on the newly made task, and click "Run"
If you like to keep Skype up and running you will need to allow pass through calls.
Do this by opening skype --> go to : tools --> options--->advanced.Put a check mark in : Associate Skype with callto: links
Enjoy your free wake up call, keep in mind it will just ring, there will be no one on the other end. :D