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29 February 2012

Key logger

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What is a keylogger?

i am sure this question have crossedyou many times & you will be passing it by saying just a software that records keystroke but let me tell you its more than that.

a keylogger is a thing that stores keystroke & send it to the attacker keylogger may be a software or a hardware or a addon for firefox or internet explorer
the key logger store keystrokes by recording the keys presses with each cursor click, each key pressed.generally key stokes are recorded on a txt file & send to attacker by mail or ftp.

hardware keylogger now dass a kewl thing if d victim is using a desktop coz he wont evr look behind the CPU to check for a hardware keylogger he may check s/w  but hardware never so if u wanna fool u r fnds u can easily do so just by spending 150 rs .

what did u just ask?? ooh how can we be safe from keylogger-simple confuse the keylogger see the keylogger store keystroke in order so you can puzzle it easily
for ex-say ma password is" megan fox is hot" so i can write fox is hot megan or like that & rearrange it 
& we can also use virtual keyboard already installed in your pc

p.s. megan fox is hot dass not a password dass a fact guys :P

so guys i guess you will find my first post helpfull do comments how do u like it 

                                                                                                             -Akshay jain

27 February 2012

Unlock Blackberry Smartphone DIY

1. Download and install Microsoft NET Framework 2.0

2. Download and install Blackberry desktop manager v4.7.0.32

3. Download and install Blackberry Operating System

4. Delete the vendor.xml file located in c:program filescommon filesresearch in motionapploader

5. Download and install MFI Multiloader.

6. Open MFI Multiloader shortcut on your PC and wait until shows up as:

7. Then your phone should be like this on screen:Unlocking a BlackBerry Pearl

8. Open Blackberry Desktop Manager on your PC and read how to update/reinstall BlackBerry Operating System explained below. How To update/ReInstall BlackBerry Operating System ? Connect your device to your computer. Open the BlackBerry® Desktop Manager. Click Application Loader. Click Start in Add/Remove Applications or Update Applications. If necessary, perform the following actions: If the Device Security Password dialog box appears, type your device password. Click Next. If the Communication Port Selection dialog box appears, specify a communications port. Click Next. Click Next. Perform any of the following actions: To add an application that appears in the list, select the check box beside the application. To add an application that does not appear in the list, click Browse. Double-click an application loader (.alx or .ali) file. Click Next.


26 February 2012

Interesting CMD hacks

Here is an interesting command prompt hack .You can hide, assign, delete etc. disk partition in few steps.
1.Select Start , then Run , in Run option type cmd. (or  start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt)

2.In Command Prompt (cmd) type DISKPART

3. Then type LIST VOLUME, after this you will get an partition  overview, as shown below
4. Type SELECT VOLUME (number) , press ENTER on keyboard, then type  REMOVE LETTER (letter )as shown below
5.After this disk partition will be hidden. How to return disk partition? Easy, just type ASSIGN LETTER (letter), as shown beloww
With Command Prompt (cmd) , you can manipulate  disk partition.


MTS Blaze Hack 2012 for Free Internet

Hello To All Friends First time on internet .Here is MTS Gprs Internet Hacking's rocking in delhi giving near 200kbps Downloading Speed . so just try it in your state and enjoy .

Follow The given steps for hack MTS Gprs.

1.First you download Sathik VPN.

Sathik VPN Download

2. Now Extract it and open SathikVPN.

3. On taskbar on bottom right ( or place where your taskbar is there) right click on open vpn icon and select sathik vpn 2nd server and connect it & Enjoy.

Sathik VPN Server 1 is also working/

That's it


25 February 2012

Google is a Malware Scanner

Some particular malwares infect the user computer and try to send traffic to  Google through a small number of intermediary servers called “proxies.”  Google found some unusual traffic while performing routine maintenance on one of their data centers.

After Google is collaborating with security engineers at several companies that were sending this modified traffic,  they determined that the computers exhibiting this behavior were infected with a particular strain of malicious software, or “malware.”

Today, if anyone has these type of malware , they will notify as your system is infected while searching in google.


24 February 2012

Complete Guide to Google Penalty

Update: You Can Hire,if your Site has been Penalized.They Offer Great SEO Services!


Many of you might facing this problem, site Penalizedby google. Well here is the guide for you to identify the problem and fix it. Maybe some of you has seen this on other forum, but i think its very useful for some one that did not seen it before. Well here is it:

1) Penalty recognition and removal:

A) Did you got some private blog network backlinks?

If you see a penalty some time after you got some private blog network post backlinks - even some long months later - it could meant that blog network got de-indexed (check your reports and forums for any comments about de-indexing networks).

Penalty recognition:

- sudden drop in rankings without any reason (sometimes it could be 3-5 spots, sometimes 100-200 spots)
- un-explained dancing (no backlinking/onsite optimization done in last 2 weeks)


If you see only dancing/small drop in rankings then it means your backlink diversity is low. Go and grab some different types of backlinks - mix of Manual Bookmarks (a lot of them from different providers) and unique article submission to article directories will help to regain your position - even stronger than before.

B) Did you pinged your website/got some Whois posted to it?

You can notice huge dancing (even tens of positions back and forward) or sudden drop way below top100.

Penalty recognition:

- sudden drop in rankings or heavy dancing
- drop in just few keywords or group of related keywords

The main causes could be two:

B1) your onsite optimization is really poor
B2) you have nasty backlinking (some really poor backlinks/spam/porn links)

To determine which one is right - simply check what backlinks Google sees by checking Alexa backlink checker and Google search engine. If Alexa is not showing anything of ppor quality (spammed websites where you link is located) then search for your website as - (without quotes and without www or http://). If you can see any spammy links (use your common sense to determine) within first 5 pages - then go ahead with B2 solution. If not - use B1 solution.


B1) Check your inner linking (for any dead ones), correct 301's, proper site map, proper coding of website (no serious errors). I would suggest getting some webmaster to check your coding (he do not need access to your hosting - he should be able to work by reading your sites code with his browser) or using IBP (expensive but extensive) or SEOmoz (less expensive but really user friendly) - I didn't tested other options so just check reviews on SEO non-affiliate forums/blogs/review sites.
After you are done hit your site with ping services (pingomatic, feed burner) and whois sites (hit it with like 1000-10.000 sites to get your site noticed by crawlers to re-check it).

B2) Build some high authority backlinks - perfectly 2-3 types of links.
I would suggest high PR backlinks at first (any high PR backlinks will do really). Once you have some good number of them get them indexed at once (build SB links to them or run them by one of the indexing/crawling programs like Linklicious/Backlinks Indexer/Lindexed etc.)
[For example - build some High PR (PR4+) forum profiles, High PR blog posts and High PR Web 2.0 properties]

C) Did you created a lot of backlinks lately?

You have created a lot of backlinks recently and your site is jumping around or lost a lot of rankings.

Penalty recognition:

- heavy dancing, moving up and down (from top position to out of top100 and backwards)
- most of the keywords changed position right after backlinking (possibly for worst)
- your website lost all rankings (but you can still see it in Google as top3 when you search for your own domain name without spaces etc.)


C1) You are not in top3 results when you search for (where domain = your domain name, .com = your extension - do not use www/http when searching for it in Google)

It means your website got serious penalty from Google - possibly soft one.
DO NOT ask for reconsideration within Webmaster Tool in Google.

Follow those steps:
- remove Google Analitycs from your site
- close your Google Webmaster Tools account (cancel it)
- log out from Gmail/Youtube (from now on always log out from them before accessing Google search results or your site)
- opt out/log out from any Google owned business that could lead to YOU or to your website

Perform full onsite optimization - (Check step B1) but do not do Whois linking.
Build quality backlinks to your site - Facebook, Twitter and whole group of Reputation Management business sites (Linkedin/Merchant Circle/YouTube/MySpace...). Do it manually or get a guy that can do this for you.
Get some social backlinks (High PR Manual Bookmarks or Re-Tweets with your link in it).
Get all links crawled (use Pingomatic or more advanced crawling service)
After all this - wait for ~5 days and then submit your site to good list of Whois websites (minimum 1.000).

C2) You are on position 2-3 when you search for your domain name.
Build more diverse backlinks - create "Raw backlinks" (no anchor links) to your main page. You can use for this AMR - get some quality article from Ezine, do not spin it and submit it to article directories. As a link use your homepage url (not inner pages, just homepage).

C3) You are on position 1 when you search for your domain name.

This is just a dance. You can get few of crawling services (Pingomatic etc) and submit your site to them to speed up process of ranking selection.
DO NOT submit your site to Whois sites at the beginning of dance as this can mislead you with further investigation on whats the problem.

D) Did you maintained status Quo for last 2 months?

You have done nothing in last 2 months but all suddenly all your keywords started to falling in rankings.

Penalty recognition:

- sudden drop in rankings without doing anything to the site by you
- complete lost of rankings by all the keywords


D1) Your keyword is easy/medium competition

You lack link building - keep building backlinks on weekly or even daily basis. Try to diversify backlinks and fetch some high quality manual ones (Linkedin/Merchant Circle/YouTube/MySpace/Tumblr/Tweeter/Ezine...)
You need to re-build your whole SEO campaign so create a plan of backlinking and start getting them in proper quantities - use your common sense on how many of them. Regular site will use 3 different backlinks provider/sources a month (for example - Manual Bookmarking, Manual Web 2.0 and Scrapebox blast with 10K links - change strategy/providers each month).

D2) Your keyword is in high competitive niche

You need to check your backlinks.
Go to and and search for your backlinks.
When in search for (without quotes, where is your domain name).
Go through first 10 pages (if there is as much as that) and look for backlinks you do not recognize.

D2-A) You found backlinks that you do not recognize (made by your competitor) - you need to make them weaker or stronger:

D2-A1) Make them stronger - build backlinks to those bad links (do not do it if the anchors are nasty ones like - "Porn", "Fuck", "Cocaine" etc or there is more than 1.000 outgoing links from the page). Get some proper Scrapebox blasts to those links in order to create authority in them. Around 100-500 backlinks per bad link is enough. Get all the backlinks created to badlinks crawled (use Linklicious/Lindexed/BacklinksIndexer).

D2-A2) Make them weaker - to do so you need to make your website authority one. Create high authority backlinks to your website comming from popular social sites + Wikipedia (if you can - possibly as a source link or in-article anchor) + Wiki sites (there is many service providers offering such a Wiki submission). Build few hundreds of high PR backlinks to your site without anchor ("Raw Link"). Get all the backlinks crawled using popular pinging/indexing services.
If none happened - submit your site to Whois database after 2 weeks of creating major backlinks.
Keep building backlinks constantly and take care of diversity so this wont happen again.

2) Avoiding Penalty and Google reviews:

A) Onsite Optimization
B) Offsite SEO
C) Overall Quality Score

A) Onsite Optimization

You are required to keep a very good onsite optimization.
You need to prevent having serious coding loops or errors as Google will detect it easily. Any dead links (within a site or going to other sites) can affect your rankings and cause problems.
List of things to look at:

- Check your websites code for any serious errors. Your code should be W3C validated:
- Check for dead links - Google hates them:
- Interlink your inner pages to main page (Inner Page linking to main page with one of your main Anchor) or other way around (main page linking through footer with Anchors to most valued inner pages - not too many though)
- No excessive advertising - 2 ad blocks are enough, 3 is a lot, 4+ can affect your rankings
- No linking out to Scam/Spam/Illegal sites - one link to Scam e-commerce shop can drain out your authority
- Proper content quantity/quality for crawlers to index - 300 words article is not enough to fill whole website. Every site, even MNS should have more than 1 page and more than 300 words article
- DO NOT post spinned content on your website - Google will index copied content as long as it is quality and related. Spinned content can get you de-indexed or penalized
- You do not need to link to authority sites - by doing so you will pass some juice on them but also you will get more Google trust. Evaluate which option is best for you.

B) Offsite SEO

To impress Google you need proper diversification and constant backlinking.

- Create different types of backlinks. There is no "Miracle Backlink". You cant dominate results with just one backlink type and hope for Status Quo. You need to diversify your campaign so Google wont see any spam attempts. Even if you are #1 keep building diverse backlinks (if #1 was achieved by blog posts from
private network - build some quality Web 2.0 and .Edu links for diversity and security).
- Keep constant backlink flow. You cannot create 100K Scrapebox backlinks at once and expect best. Keep building backlinks daily, weekly or even monthly to maintain your good authority and trust within Google.
a) Monthly backlinking example - buy automatic bookmarking, 10K Scrapebox blog comments and wiki links in one month - then in next one create new "campaign"
b) Weekly backlinking example - create 1-2 different backlink types like Private Blog Network submission and Forum Profiles first week, .Edu backlinks and Linkpushing other week.
c) Daily backlinking example - build daily amount of backlinks like blog comments, forum profiles bookmarks and manual high PR backlinks
- Mix quality with quantity - Scrapebox or Xrumer links are good as long as you will mix them with high authority (or high PR) backlinks. Do not worry about getting 10K Scrapebox links - but add some extra high PR Bookmarks or Articles same week you done them for fast and secure results.
- Get high authority backlinks indexed using indexing/crawling systems - any high authority (or high PR) backlink can be artificially forced to cue for crawling by Google without any negative penalty.

C) Overall Quality Score

Look at your website as manual reviewer will do it.
He have less than a minute to evaluate your website and he will look for following:
- code/keyword report
- relevance of content to keyword
- ad spam/affiliate spam attempts
- content lockers (do not use content locker if 100% of your traffic is from Google unless you are experienced in what you do)
- misleading information/links

23 February 2012

Make 50$ a Day Easiest Method of The Era

Hello Easy Earn friends 1 Week before I found out 1 method that should be  
categorize as easiest method to make money online so I decide to share with you guys.

So how is work? Basically is with your twitter account and twtmob.

Grab an account at:

When Register:
"Choose your country as US if even you are not and tick all the boxes. You know what I mean"

How much can you earn with this?
Basically is depends on how much follower in your twitter account.

If you have 10,000 followers:

For my experience, those campaign average pay you 8.6$ per tweet if you have 10,000 followers in your twitter account.

The best thing is the campaign usually last for at least 10days and you can tweet it everyday!

Yes, you earn a total $86 per campaign.

Imagine you have 10 account of 10,000 followers and they have 10 campaign in twtmob? Do the math :-)

If you have 50+k followers congrats to you, you can earn instant good money.

If not?

Tips and Trick Part:

Getting follower,
Method 1:
Place you can get thousands of followers very fast for free!

My advice is use a fake facebook account connect to and like all the page. It's the fastest way to get seeds.

With this method you would have no problem to get 1k followers everyday.

Method 2:
This method would be faster if you got money to invest.
Just go to fiverr there to buy followers, best deal there is 1k-2k per gig if not mistaken.

Method 3:
Maybe you would like to buy tweetattacks instead?Enjoy...

Using DotProxy For Free GPRS Airtel

Here  are the steps  :
  • Use APN:
  • Now download dot proxy from Here:
  • Edit url modes with one of following backquerry
  •  Local listen port-1234
      Header Mods- tick both
  • leave all other  blank as it is!!
  •  Now go to URL Mods and put this
    0:?  (or any other Working Backquery,Remember 0: in beginning)

Note: Use Following proxy settings in browser and download managers when you are using DotProXy. proxy:


  • Press ALT
  • Click on Tools
  • Now Select option
  • Now Select Advance in pop up menu
  • And select Network
  • Now Click on Setting
  • Now click on Manual..
  • And Add Given Proxy and Port

21 February 2012

Get BlackhatTeam VIP Access Free

Getting VIP access for Blackhatteam will definitely benefit you in many ways.

"Black Hat Team is best place to discuss all things related to black hat seo techniques. The biggest black hat seo and affiliate marketing forum on the Net"

It can not only give you access to underground strategies.But,Many useful tools.Now, here is the way to get this.
First of all,Go to this Link and Register your Account: VipSEO.
The Answer to Random Question(How much for VIP) is 25.
Now, You Will See This Post.What you have to do is to Submit Your Referral Link as facebook will give you at-least 2 registrations.
Go For More and Enjoy the Forum..!
Happy Money making..


20 February 2012

Download SQLI Hunter v.1.0

A new SQL injection tool SQLI Hunter has been released which is simpe tool to scan SQL Injection vulnerabilities in web applications. This tool use Google Dorks to search for the websites that are vulnerable to the SQL injection. This tool is also able to find admin page but the power is limited. Because tool uses a list of admin pages to search.

Download Here (Requires .NET Framework 3.5) OR
Download Portable 


16 February 2012

Adsense Approval Dirty Method 2012


  1. Go to Bukisa and register for new member.
  2. Confirm your email to complete your register.
  3. Download one or some free e-Book from any search engine, like example use Google.
  4. You can use some topic based from your interest like Money Online or anything.
  5. Now copy and paste those articles from that e-Book to Bukisa.
  6. Submit minimal three contents, and wait until they accepted.
  7. Some time the site is in heavy job and approve the articles after 2 days.
  8. Soon you will get Bukisa mails that inform your articles have approved.
  9. After getting approved article apply for Google Adsense by this way.
  10. Bukisa may ask you if you already have Google Adsense Account and then tick no.
  11. Next, enter your e-Mail Id that you have given at the time of bukisa sign up.
  12. Last, you will get a link in your e-mail and that is for your Google Adsense.
  13. Fill it and be sure that the info you will give to them must match with Bukisa.
  14. And done, You will get email from Google Adsense that your account is approved.


Follow the below mentioned steps and you will get Adsense approval in just 2 days.
  1. Go to Flixya
  2. Register and complete ten contents.
  3. It may be photo, blog, article, and video.
  4. After that once you make your current account with this site you will get a fresh form in the second step, the Google Adsense sign up form. Input your valid e-mail address to start a Adsense account. We prefer G-mail regarding far better results.
  5. After you sign up it gives you a publication Id and then after 1-2 days your account will be approved


Unless you have any videos or even PPT presentations to talk about for the above site next i've one more strategy to get you approval with Adsense in mere two days
  1. You all may be aware of Indyarocks, the 1st step is to go to Indyarocks and the first step should be to visit Indyarocks and apply for an account with them.
  2. Once you register, sign in to your current account plus check out earning link around the right sidebar inside your profile.
  3. Indyarocks is a channel associate with google adsense that makes it possible to to earn income with them by sharing and also generating blogs. And you must satisfy their following conditions for adsense approval. Note the below mention conditions of indyarocks to get full filed for adsense approval. Your own Profile should be at least 80% complete.
    • Your profile privacy should be set to everyone.
    • You have to publish as a minimum ten photos for your profile and also the privacy from the photos should be set to everyone.
    • You need to posting at least 2/3 blogs and also the articles needs to be unique and also the privacy from the blogs should be set to everyone.

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