Speed up Boot Time:-
1. By default, Windows7 waits 30 seconds before it starts to load the operating system.
2. To decrease this time, Right click on My Computer
3. Click on Advance System Settings
5. Under Startup and Recovery, click on the Settings button
6. Decrease the time from 30 seconds to something like 3
7. You can also change the settings for what happens in case of a System failure
Windows Explorer Single Click:-
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Go to Folder Options
3. Check Single-click to open an item
4. Check Underline icon titles only when I point at them
5. Click Apply and OK
Hide Empty Drives:-
If you want to have empty drives (like empty multiple-card reader drives), show up grayed out in the Windows Explorer
Go Tools / Folder Options / View tab
Check Hide empty drives in the Computer folder
Now you can more easily determine which drives actually have something on them.
Turning off Hibernation:-
1. If you have something like a desktop and don’t need hibernation enabled, you can turn this off
2. Start / CMD
3. This will open a command prompt
4. Type in powercfg -h off
Connecting a Windows7 Workstation to a Windows2000 Server:-
To connect a Windows7 Computer to a Windows2000 server, you will either need to make a change using the Group Policy Editory (Win7 Pro) or the Registry (Win7 Home)
Windows7 Pro:-
Click on the Start icon
Enter gpedit.msc
Go to Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local Policies / Security Options
Scroll down and double click on Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level and you should be able to see the set level. Change this to send LM & NTLM responses
Windows7 Home:-
Start the registry by writing regedit on Run.
Go to to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Lsa
Create a new DWORD value with the name of LmCompatibilityLevel
Give it a value of 1
Restart the computer
Enjoy... 1. By default, Windows7 waits 30 seconds before it starts to load the operating system.
2. To decrease this time, Right click on My Computer
3. Click on Advance System Settings
5. Under Startup and Recovery, click on the Settings button
6. Decrease the time from 30 seconds to something like 3
7. You can also change the settings for what happens in case of a System failure
Windows Explorer Single Click:-
1. Open the Control Panel
2. Go to Folder Options
3. Check Single-click to open an item
4. Check Underline icon titles only when I point at them
5. Click Apply and OK
Hide Empty Drives:-
If you want to have empty drives (like empty multiple-card reader drives), show up grayed out in the Windows Explorer
Go Tools / Folder Options / View tab
Check Hide empty drives in the Computer folder
Now you can more easily determine which drives actually have something on them.
Turning off Hibernation:-
1. If you have something like a desktop and don’t need hibernation enabled, you can turn this off
2. Start / CMD
3. This will open a command prompt
4. Type in powercfg -h off
Connecting a Windows7 Workstation to a Windows2000 Server:-
To connect a Windows7 Computer to a Windows2000 server, you will either need to make a change using the Group Policy Editory (Win7 Pro) or the Registry (Win7 Home)
Windows7 Pro:-
Click on the Start icon
Enter gpedit.msc
Go to Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security Settings / Local Policies / Security Options
Scroll down and double click on Network Security: LAN Manager authentication level and you should be able to see the set level. Change this to send LM & NTLM responses
Windows7 Home:-
Start the registry by writing regedit on Run.
Go to to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Lsa
Create a new DWORD value with the name of LmCompatibilityLevel
Give it a value of 1
Restart the computer