I was just searching something new i saw a nice site just related to computer fun Here you can talk to God in reality you are not Talking to God it's Just a Automated Computer System which answers your every Question intelligently because i tried too many times and i find that it answers very intelligently.
First see How this Works Go Here http://www.titane.ca/
After This You will be on screen as Shown below
After This you have to click on Open you can see in the corner part in above image
after This a popup will open and it will ask you for chose the Skin shown below

First see How this Works Go Here http://www.titane.ca/
After This You will be on screen as Shown below
After This you have to click on Open you can see in the corner part in above image
after This a popup will open and it will ask you for chose the Skin shown below
After This you can start talking
A screenshot of the talk