Beep is a prank program that will cause a person's computer to emit a loud, high-pitched beep through the motherboard (which means that even if they turn their desk speakers off, it'll still beep). The beep cycle (beeping one second out of every 1.5 seconds) continues until the computer is restarted, at which point the prank is disabled.
If you want to make it start up with Windows, either add it to the startup folder or to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
Crash is a prank program that will continue to open more and more instances of itself, bringing even the fastest of computers to crawl. You can rename the program to whatever you like and it will still work. Just be sure to make sure that the program has been extracted from the zip file before it is run. To remove, restart your computer.
If you want be really evil and make Crash start up with Windows, either add it to the startup folder or to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
Drive Opener
Drive Opener is a prank program that runs in the background to prevent the victim from having a CD-ROM in any CD drive. As soon as the victim's CD drive sees that a CD is present, the drive will immediately eject. No matter how many times the victim tries to close the drive back up, it will keep ejecting until the disc is removed. It even works on systems with multiple CD/DVD drives!
To remove, restart your computer.
Evil Smiley
Evil Smiley is a prank program that causes an evil smiley face to float around your screen. Actually, the smiley is more mildly irritated than evil, but in any case, it floats around and gets in the way.
To remove, restart your computer.
Key Dropper
Key Dropper will randomly cause typed keys to be ignored, causing the subject to believe that he/she did not actually press the key.
Version 2.0 or later of the .NET framework is required for Key Dropper to run.
Vista Compatibility Notice: You may need to run Key Dropper as an administrator for it to work properly.
To disable, restart your computer. If you would like Key Dropper to start with Windows, add an entry to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run in the registry. In that case, uninstallation will involve removing the aforementioned entry.
Messed-Up Mouse
Messed-Up Mouse is a prank program that will cause mouse movement to be sporadic and irregular, making it appear to be a problem with the mouse.
To disable, restart your computer. If you would like Messed-Up Mouse to start with Windows, add an entry to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run in the registry. In that case, uninstallation will involve removing the aforementioned entry.
Minimizer is a prank program that will minimize the active window every twenty seconds.
To disable, restart your computer.
Mischievous Dialog
Mischievous Dialog will display, at a random interval (customizable using the launcher tool), one of four message boxes, causing the unsuspecting user to believe that their computer is about to do or has just done something that is dangerous to data or the system's stability.
If you do not use the launcher tool, the default interval is a random amount of time between 4 and 40 hours.
Version 2.0 or later of the .NET framework is required for Mischievous Dialog to run.
Vista Compatibility Notice: You may need to run Mischievous Dialog as an administrator for it to work properly.
To disable, restart your computer. If you opted to install Mischievous Dialog using the launcher tool, remove the mdbgx entry from HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run in the registry (using regedit).
MouseMove is a prank program that will move the mouse pointer to a random location on the screen every thirty seconds.
To disable, restart your computer
Random Key
Random Key is a prank program that will type a random letter or number every 60 seconds on the subject's computer. To disable, reboot.
If you want to make it start up with Windows, either add it to the startup folder or to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
Rebooter is a prank program that allows you to, after a specified amount of time, display a box informing the user that his system will reboot in five seconds unless he clicks the button below that. The only "problem" is that when your victim tries to click the button, it "runs away" from the mouse, leading the victim to extreme frustration!
Code mostly written by 4shadow with slight additions and modifications by Quinnsoft. Rebooter is available for download here with permission.
Slow Clock
Slow Clock will slow down your victim's clock by 10% (1 sec. every 10 seconds), leading to the clock quickly becoming inaccurate. Every hour, the clock will be 6 minutes slower; every day, 144 minutes.
To disable, reboot your computer.
Tip of the Day
This is a prank program that will make a completely useless tip of the "day" pop up on the victim's computer every 10 minutes. When loading it on a friend's computer, remember to put it in a place where he/she will not find it :-) IMPORTANT: UNZIP THE FILES BEFORE RUNNING!
To disable, reboot your computer.
Beep is a prank program that will cause a person's computer to emit a loud, high-pitched beep through the motherboard (which means that even if they turn their desk speakers off, it'll still beep). The beep cycle (beeping one second out of every 1.5 seconds) continues until the computer is restarted, at which point the prank is disabled.
If you want to make it start up with Windows, either add it to the startup folder or to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
Crash is a prank program that will continue to open more and more instances of itself, bringing even the fastest of computers to crawl. You can rename the program to whatever you like and it will still work. Just be sure to make sure that the program has been extracted from the zip file before it is run. To remove, restart your computer.
If you want be really evil and make Crash start up with Windows, either add it to the startup folder or to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
Drive Opener
Drive Opener is a prank program that runs in the background to prevent the victim from having a CD-ROM in any CD drive. As soon as the victim's CD drive sees that a CD is present, the drive will immediately eject. No matter how many times the victim tries to close the drive back up, it will keep ejecting until the disc is removed. It even works on systems with multiple CD/DVD drives!
To remove, restart your computer.
Evil Smiley
Evil Smiley is a prank program that causes an evil smiley face to float around your screen. Actually, the smiley is more mildly irritated than evil, but in any case, it floats around and gets in the way.
To remove, restart your computer.
Key Dropper
Key Dropper will randomly cause typed keys to be ignored, causing the subject to believe that he/she did not actually press the key.
Version 2.0 or later of the .NET framework is required for Key Dropper to run.
Vista Compatibility Notice: You may need to run Key Dropper as an administrator for it to work properly.
To disable, restart your computer. If you would like Key Dropper to start with Windows, add an entry to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run in the registry. In that case, uninstallation will involve removing the aforementioned entry.
Messed-Up Mouse
Messed-Up Mouse is a prank program that will cause mouse movement to be sporadic and irregular, making it appear to be a problem with the mouse.
To disable, restart your computer. If you would like Messed-Up Mouse to start with Windows, add an entry to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run in the registry. In that case, uninstallation will involve removing the aforementioned entry.
Minimizer is a prank program that will minimize the active window every twenty seconds.
To disable, restart your computer.
Mischievous Dialog
Mischievous Dialog will display, at a random interval (customizable using the launcher tool), one of four message boxes, causing the unsuspecting user to believe that their computer is about to do or has just done something that is dangerous to data or the system's stability.
If you do not use the launcher tool, the default interval is a random amount of time between 4 and 40 hours.
Version 2.0 or later of the .NET framework is required for Mischievous Dialog to run.
Vista Compatibility Notice: You may need to run Mischievous Dialog as an administrator for it to work properly.
To disable, restart your computer. If you opted to install Mischievous Dialog using the launcher tool, remove the mdbgx entry from HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run in the registry (using regedit).
MouseMove is a prank program that will move the mouse pointer to a random location on the screen every thirty seconds.
To disable, restart your computer
Random Key
Random Key is a prank program that will type a random letter or number every 60 seconds on the subject's computer. To disable, reboot.
If you want to make it start up with Windows, either add it to the startup folder or to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
Rebooter is a prank program that allows you to, after a specified amount of time, display a box informing the user that his system will reboot in five seconds unless he clicks the button below that. The only "problem" is that when your victim tries to click the button, it "runs away" from the mouse, leading the victim to extreme frustration!
Code mostly written by 4shadow with slight additions and modifications by Quinnsoft. Rebooter is available for download here with permission.
Slow Clock
Slow Clock will slow down your victim's clock by 10% (1 sec. every 10 seconds), leading to the clock quickly becoming inaccurate. Every hour, the clock will be 6 minutes slower; every day, 144 minutes.
To disable, reboot your computer.
Tip of the Day
This is a prank program that will make a completely useless tip of the "day" pop up on the victim's computer every 10 minutes. When loading it on a friend's computer, remember to put it in a place where he/she will not find it :-) IMPORTANT: UNZIP THE FILES BEFORE RUNNING!
To disable, reboot your computer.