So doubleclick the interaction.vfp file to open it (you may have to associate the .vfp extension with a text editor like notepad or wordpad first since we're going to edit the file). Scroll down to the fragment shader. You'll find these rows:
PARAM subOne = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
PARAM scaleTwo = { 2, 2, 2, 2 };
Add this right below them:
PARAM specExp = { 16, 0, 0, 0 };
Now scroll down to this:
# perform a dependent table read for the specular falloff
TEX R1, specular, texture[6], 2D;
Comment out that line by adding a "#" to it, and add another line that will do the same thing.with math instead, so it should look like this:
# perform a dependent table read for the specular falloff
# TEX R1, specular, texture[6], 2D;
POW R1, specular.x, specExp.x;
Save the file and close your text editor. WinRar will ask if you want to update the file in the archive,yes. Close WinRar and enjoy about 40% higher performance in Doom3.